
7 Steps To Build a Successful Personal Brand in Life Sciences.

7 Steps To Build a Successful Personal Brand in Life Sciences.

Whether you’re a researcher, biotechnologist, microbiologist, biochemist, pharmacologist, toxicologist or any other life science professional, personal branding is of great importance to your success especially if you want to be at the peak. Personal branding gives you an advantage in this highly competitive academic and career space. It helps you build a professional identity and…

5 Key Strategies to Stand Out as a Life Science SME in Nigeria

5 Key Strategies to Stand Out as a Life Science SME in Nigeria

The life science industry in Nigeria is rapidly growing, with numerous Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) emerging to address the country’s healthcare challenges. However, standing out in this competitive industry can be daunting. Therefore, to stand out as a Life Science SME in Nigeria, it’s crucial to adopt a multi-faceted approach that incorporates innovation, quality,…

How to apply the 5 P’s of Marketing in your Life Science SME.

How to apply the 5 P’s of Marketing in your Life Science SME.

Effective marketing strategies are crucial for the success and growth of life Science small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The 5 Ps of marketing are an essential part of a successful marketing mix strategy. This mix consists of the actions brands take to market their products and services, using a framework with five core components: product,…

Product development and criteria in the life science industry in Nigeria.

Product development and criteria in the life science industry in Nigeria.

In the context of life sciences, the development of pharmaceutical products stands as a complex endeavour, drawing upon diverse disciplines to systematically refine and optimize new medications. Guided by regulatory standards, this process prioritizes the assurance of quality, and safety in the final product offerings. Product development is the process of bringing a product from…

Marketing challenges faced by Nigeria life science SMEs and the solutions.

Marketing challenges faced by Nigeria life science SMEs and the solutions.

Life science small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria stand as beacons of innovation and promise yet amidst their groundbreaking research and development efforts, these enterprises encounter a myriad of marketing challenges that impede their growth and market penetration. Today, we delve into the intricacies of these challenges and illuminate pathways toward sustainable solutions and…

Roles of life science in ensuring maximum public health awareness.

Roles of life science in ensuring maximum public health awareness.

In an age where information spreads like wildfire through the vast landscape of social media, life science industries have a unique opportunity to contribute significantly to public health awareness. The critical roles of life science in this context go beyond mere scientific research and development; they extend to harnessing the power of digital platforms to…