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LSN Editor 1

Product development and criteria in the life science industry in Nigeria.

Product development and criteria in the life science industry in Nigeria.

In the context of life sciences, the development of pharmaceutical products stands as a complex endeavour, drawing upon diverse disciplines to systematically refine and optimize new medications. Guided by regulatory standards, this process prioritizes the assurance of quality, and safety in the final product offerings. Product development is the process of bringing a product from…

Latest Ethical Considerations in Research you must know.

Latest Ethical Considerations in Research you must know.

Embarking on any research journey necessitates a steadfast commitment to ethical principles, a compass that guides researchers in navigating the complex terrain of inquiry with integrity and respect. Ethical considerations form the cornerstone of responsible research, ensuring the protection of participants, upholding the credibility of findings, and fostering a foundation of trust within the scientific community….